What is MCT Oil?
First things first - what exactly is MCT oil? MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides, which are a type of fatty acid that can be found in coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and other natural sources. Lus Health Ingredients only sells MCTs that are 100% Palm-free (coconut based). Unlike long-chain triglycerides (LCTs), which are more common in our diets, MCTs are metabolized differently by the body. They can enter our blood directly, are quickly converted by our livers into ketones. As a result this can be used as a source of energy instead of glucose. In the market you will currently find two types of MCT oil. One type has 60% of caprylic acid (C8) and 40% of capric acid (C10), and another type is almost pure caprylic acid (The Lus Health product offers minimally 99%). Research shows that C8 is more ketogenic than C10, so you can imagine C8 is loved by the Keto Crowd!
MCT oil is a concentrated form of the goodness coconut oil is offering. It's a clear, tasteless liquid that can be added to smoothies, coffee, or other foods and drinks.
So why is MCT oil so popular among those following a keto diet? Here are just a few of the benefits it can offer:
But there is more to MCT oil than you may think, read further below!
While MCT oil is certainly popular among those following a keto diet, its benefits extend far beyond just weight loss and energy. Here are a few additional reasons to consider adding MCT oil to your supplement regimen:
So there you have it, MCT oil is a versatile product that can be used for different health areas. Lus Health Ingredients specializes in PalmFreeMCT™ oil, which we sell in bulk, in private label and in micro encapsulated format. If you want to find out more about MCT oil, get some studies, want a sample or a quote of our PalmfreeMCT™ oil, visit the webpage here or contact (L)us on info@lusingredients.com or phone +31 102265060
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