+ 31 10 226 5060
Your formulation

Design your Private Label Vegan Soft Gels 

We aim to assist you in creating your favourite sustainable vegan softgels private label product.

First, we'll ask general questions to understand your market and product opportunities, then we'll explore all the options available to make your (customized) product a reality. Thank you for choosing Lus Health as your partner, we look forward to creating something great together!

MOQ starting as low as 1000 jars!

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 2

In what countries do you intend to sell the product?*
What is/are your intended sales channel(s)?*
How do you currently attract new clients?*
Please select at most 3 options.
If the development goes the way you would like, when would you like to launch?*
What is your retail pricing target for this product?*
Pricing is per unit of consumer ready product.

© 2024 | LUS Health 

Design RDM Design | Realisatie: DIGIWEDO
